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Press (2)

Thursday, Oct 10, 2019

SIM-MT Travels to Ennis, MT

Prehospital Trauma Life Support Training: Simulation In Motion-Montana Inc. In Ennis

Simulation in Motion – Montana Inc. conducted a weekend of emergency medical training for members of the Ennis Ambulance Service, Madison Valley Rural Fire Department, Lifeflight and neighboring emergency medical technicians at the Ennis Fire Hall Sept. 28 -19.

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Friday, Aug 23, 2019

Rare Simulation Opportunity

Local Medical Community Teams Up For Rare Opportunity

What do you get when you combine powerful resources, intelligent people and a few smart dummies? A rare but excellent opportunity.

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Wednesday, Mar 13, 2019

Lincoln Ambulance Crew Trains with SIM-MT

If you ever took a CPR class and found the old Resuci-Annie CPR dummies a little...creepy, the idea of a medical mannequin that can scream at you, move its eyes and deliver a moving baby may seem like the stuff of nightmares, but such a simulator provided important and realistic training for members of the Lincoln Volunteer Ambulance last weekend.

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Friday, Feb 15, 2019

SIM-MT Travels to Helena, MT

Simulation in Motion Montana traveled to Helena, MT to provide high-fidelity simulation training to critical care healthcare teams. The simulation lab comes complete with an emergency room and an ambulance bay and computer driven simulators that mimic real life emergencies with the help of trained educator operators. 

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Sunday, Jan 20, 2019

MSNU Partners with SIM-MT

MSUN Partners With SIM-MT to Better Prepare and Train Their Nursing Students

Montana State University Northern ( Partners With SIM-MT to better prepare and train their nursing students. Simulation in Motion - Montana helps bring hands-on state of the art medical simulation training to communities across Montana.

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